Eternal Love Luigi Peduto

During the Second World War, a forced labor camp was created in the Sankt Pölen, Austria. Many prisoners of war from all over the world were sent here to work, against their will, and many would never see home again. In 1943 Luigi and Mokryna would meet and begin slowly falling in love. He was a soldier and prisoner of war. Luigi had been serving in Croatia when, in September 1943, Italy requested an armistice while being invaded by the allied armies. His regiment was rounded up by the Germans and marched to Hungary. When here they were loaded onto trains to one camp where they were split. Those who were seen as skilled were sent to labor camps in Austria and Germany to help with the war effort. Luigi had been a tailor before the war and was taken to the Sankt Pölen and put to work. Mokryna was a forced laborer who was sent, against her will, to help with the Axis war effort. It was here, in the darkest of times, that they found a light that would help them through.

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