Dating in USA 2024

USA Dating 2024 — Meet Single Girls and Mature Women. USA Dating Sites

America has always been considered the land of opportunities. A “young country” that arose a little over two hundred years ago, which cannot boast of either ancient traditions or a culture founded centuries ago. But today America is a leader in research, the creation of advanced technologies, the development of industry, and even relations. It is a place of freedom, democracy, and opportunities for self-realization.
A country of contrasts, speed, stability, and regularity of life — all this attracts representatives of different nationalities, who created as a result a very special nation — the American one. A nation that knows how to work, set goals and steadily achieve them. A nation that has its own ideology and view on life. It is not surprising that people who come here for the first time can get lost and do not know where to start, but if you want to build successful relationships here and find your soul mate, then this article is a must-have for you!

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In the Article “Dating in the USA”

  • Features of America Dating
  • Places and Prices

Features of America Dating

In the US, relationships between a man and a woman go through several stages before they can be called serious.
Before a man and a woman become a boyfriend and girlfriend, if that will happen at all, a long time of simple dating and communication can pass.
Every person here really values their freedom, so the status of a relationship here is not something that is decided by itself. You cannot automatically be considered a boyfriend and girlfriend until both of you have discussed it and come to an agreement. Before such a conversation, you can meet for months without commitment, meeting with other people as well.
An interesting thing is that 20% of Americans will not go on a second date if, after the first one, the person they met added them as friends on social networks. Even if the date went well and people like each other, many will consider that such haste is a sign that the person is either desperate or too pushy.
People here really respect each other's boundaries and personal space. Most often, if you answer that you are busy, you will not be asked where, why, and with whom. Work is a real reason not to see each other all week. In the USA, the majority of people are workaholics, and no one will blame you for this. Also, you are unlikely to be pressured if you do not want something.
On the other hand, this is a double-edged sword, if you are sick at home, there will be zero people around you ready to help — they will wish you a speedy recovery, and then will appear when you get better. The same goes for moral issues. Here they do not like whiners, always complaining about life. If you want to whine or cry – go and pay a psychotherapist, and for dating, try to choose a more optimistic mood.
Another important moment is the phone! 79% of respondents said they hate it the most when people on their first date (and in fact at any date) do something with the phone other than answering the call. If a person sends text messages, surfs social networks, especially if they photograph food for Instagram, or takes a selfie during a date, most likely it will be the last one.
Another aspect of relationships is money. Here it is absolutely normal to talk openly about money, and your financial capabilities, discuss the cost of gifts to each other in advance and even put them on the list, which will be an absolute shock for representatives of other nationalities. In the USA, it is absolutely convenient to discuss your salaries and ambitions because money here is not a taboo topic on a date.
Since we have already touched on the topic of finance, let’s figure out how much a date can cost in the USA and where it is better to go for the first meeting.

Places and Prices

For a start, it should be noted that the area of the United States is 9.5 million km², all this huge territory is administratively divided into 50 states, and each among them can be considered a separate country. Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously outline the best places for dating women in America, and even more – to tell prices that are typical for the whole country — each state has its favorite places with an absolute variety of prices. But do not worry in advance whether your date will fit in your wallet)
Freedom has always been an advantageous feature of Americans, so there are no specific rules of etiquette regarding where the first date should take place: it can be a cafe, restaurant, cinema, concert, or even an ordinary walk in the park with a cup of coffee.
Coffee, by the way, also costs differently: from $1.8 for an espresso in a small town up to $6 for a cappuccino in New York.
In general, the prices for favorite fast food, for example, at Mcdonald’s or BurgerKing, are about $ 8 for a combo menu for one person. Dinner in a restaurant for two will cost about $35, and what kind of cuisine to choose for a date is up to you. The most “budget” restaurants will be Chinese and Mexican restaurants, where you will pay about $ 28 for dinner for two, in an Italian restaurant you will pay $ 10 more — about $ 38 for two. And a date in a restaurant of Japanese or French cuisine will cost about fifty.
In America, flowers are rarely given on a first date, but there are thousands of ideas that will make your date unforgettable. Of course, the idea generator is mainly New York, but in other places and states, you will find for sure non-standard proposals as well that will make your date unique.

  • For example, for a super hot evening, you can invite a girl to a retro underground space in New York, where you can enjoy live jazz, blues, and soul performances.
  • For a super romantic date, go ice skating on the rooftop of a skyscraper with stunning Manhattan views.
  • For a super-interesting date, book a quest room together, go through an unusual labyrinth for couples, and test your attraction using all five senses by solving puzzles with her in a team.

You remember that America is a country of opportunities — therefore, nothing is impossible here, your date is easy to make perfect, the main thing is desire, and a little finance, of course)
So now you know how to build a proper American date. But a logical question arises – with whom? What girls live in America and how to meet them?
Let’s find out step by step.

Single Women in the USA

If you carefully read the beginning of this article, you already guessed that not all girls living in the United States are Native Americans, and you will be absolutely right.
Back in 2016, immigrants (legal and illegal) made up 13.5% of the US population. That is, every eighth resident of the United States is an immigrant. And now that number is even higher. So the probability of meeting a native American in America is far from 100%))) And visually, you will most likely be able to easily determine the origin of your lady.
American women rarely care about their appearance – people should accept them as they are (even without makeup, in shapeless, untidy things, and with no manicure). But all this does not apply to the smiles of US women – girls in the United States pay great attention to dental health. No wonder the so-called “Hollywood smile” is the hallmark of Americans.
If in the USA you see in the street a beautiful stylishly dressed woman with makeup, then there is a huge percentage of probability that she is from Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria, etc. Slavic girls, therefore, are considered the most beautiful – because they are not too lazy to wash their hair every morning, apply makeup, go to the gym, and take care of themselves.
Sports, proper nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle are not really popular among native US ladies. A striking contrast is created with Slavic girls, but with Chinese women, the abyss is simply catastrophic, because in China there is simply a cult of health. Chinese women living in the States, even in old age, actively go in for sports, drink green tea, and do not welcome any bad habits.
American women most often marry after 30 years. The approach of American women is much more practical and reasonable — it is better to start a family at a mature conscious age, having a stable source of income and the necessary material benefits.
Another feature of American girls is friendliness, which borders on hypocrisy. American women can sweetly smile at a man who they really just can’t stand. With Slavic ladies, everything is much simpler, because all their feelings are often immediately written on their faces, they will never smile at an unpleasant person.
The desire to be independent and the notorious “equality of the sexes” in the States just rolls over. There are simply absurd cases when a man held a door for a woman and erupted into a serious scandal with accusations of sexism. A friendly hand placed on the shoulder can be perceived as an “act of violence.” Therefore, it is quite logical that even local men are tired of their strong independent compatriots, and feel much more pleasant and free in a less feminized society of Slavic girls.

Where to Meet American Singles

Where to meet a Slavic girl in America? We can answer you easily — at the same place where you will meet any other girl here — at dating sites in the US.
In the USA, people live fast, get up early, and instead of going to grocery stores, order them online every other time, and buy clothes on Amazon without even trying them on. It’s the same with dating.
Americans almost never date offline. The chances that you will come to a bar or to a friend’s birthday party and meet your soulmate there are approximately 1 to 100. Much more often we see a different picture: a lonely man at the bar, looking at his smartphone, a girl who enters a bar and looks for someone with her eyes. A man waved at her: “It’s me, the one with the striped shirt, Michael is me! You are more beautiful than in the photo”. This is a couple from Tinder, Matchcom, Pofcom, or some other USA dating site.
Americans say it’s convenient. You do not waste time and money sitting in bars endlessly, you definitely know something about the education of your future object, since profiles on dating sites usually contain detailed information or can be tied to the profile of other social networks. You can talk endlessly online to get to know each other better, exchange phone numbers, and even go somewhere in public to get a closer look at each other.
But sometimes, and actually, even more often, USA dating apps help to meet people who in real life would never have crossed due to the fact that they were territorially hundreds, or sometimes thousands of miles apart.
Despite all the convenience of this method of dating, there are pitfalls here. Most online dating users say that they went through hundreds of options, received sometimes dirty offers, met liars and gigolos, fast sex lovers, and maniacs before meeting a person with whom they finally felt easy and comfortable.
When you are in search of a soulmate or a serious relationship, the last thing you want to do is spend your precious time on “online games” with frivolous applicants. A logical question arises – is it possible to protect yourself from this kind of story and how? In fact, it is quite simple to do this, but, as people say, you have to pay for any pleasure.

Free Dating Site VS Not Free Dating Site

Free online dating in the USA is available to everyone: here are teenagers having fun with photos of young Angelina Jolie on their profile picture, bored pensioners with advice on how to mow the lawn correctly, balding Don Juan looking for a victim for a new night and mercantile young ladies dreaming of improving their financial situation at the expense of a gentleman. But the worst thing is that free dating sites are full of people who are already married or at minimum are in a long-term relationship.
A sociological survey made in 2019 showed that 43% of people consider online dating to be risky. The reason is obvious – in the virtual space, there is no institution that would verify the authenticity of the information specified by the user about himself since the inviolability of personal data in the United States (as in most civilized countries) is protected by law and requires special judicial permission for verification. Therefore, the only solution that will help to minimize the risks of being deceived on a dating site is to join a kind of “closed” dating club, whose services are paid.
The owners of such clubs (dating sites) value their reputation and carefully check the information about each client registered on their portal. Registration may take longer than on the free app, but the result is worth it. For example, when you see a beautiful girl on the site, you no longer need to guess which actress’s photos were used for this profile – these photos and all lady’s information have already been checked several times by the site managers. Female clients of this agency are registered either after a personal acquaintance with a girl in the office or at least after a Skype survey if her personal visit to the office was impossible due to various circumstances.

Visually, a girl’s profile on a paid site may look the same as on a free site, but the key difference is the authenticity of the information indicated in the profile. A self-respecting agency registers a client only after checking all the documents confirming her personality and identity, the number of children, and even her place of residence. When registering on the dating site, the girl cannot be married, which again is checked according to the documents.
Moreover, paid dating sites provide a lot of services that will help you make sure that your choice is correct – these can be online chats and video chats with the ability to see your chosen one, Skype calls, and personal gifts that will be given to your girlfriend on the specified day and time with detailed photo report for you.
And the icing on the cake is the consultation with the manager, who you ask personally all your questions regarding the site and even your lady. Of course, not all US dating sites, even paid ones, can offer such a “dessert”. This is the prerogative of experienced dating agencies proven over the years, which have a wide clientele and an impeccable reputation.

Matchmaking service in the US

An impeccable reputation is a rather vague concept, so it is easier to use specific indicators. If we are talking about finding a soul mate, of course, the main indicator for the dating site will be the number of couples and years of work. The number of couples (or even marriages) is a great indicator, but not always accurate – most people do not want to advertise even successful relationships. People say “Happiness loves silence”. Therefore, along with wedding photos of happy “married” clients of this or that agency, you should understand that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of couples who have not told the site that thanks to their “work” they have already built a family. Therefore, when choosing a paid site, it is better to rely on years of work. The sphere of dating is very demanding and fleeting, so only very good service and highly qualified work for the result can keep an online dating site successful.
The site mentioned above has been helping single people find their soul mates and build a family for more than 22 years. This is a very long period for such an area, so long that not all relationships can last that long. The managers of this agency talk about cases when the “former” clients of the agency, who successfully married with their help, again turn to them for help: someone was widowed early, and someone simply could not keep their family happiness … We tried to figure out what is the secret of such attachment, and everything turned out to be tritely simple – men absolutely trust this service and are simply sure that here they will definitely be helped to successfully marry, and the essence of this confidence is in a properly built system of matchmaking.

Matchmaking is a familiar word, primarily for active gamers. For them, matchmaking is a system of automatic selection of battles for players, the task of which is to provide approximately equal conditions for all participants in the battle. But matchmaking is also familiar to business sites, where the system helps to find colleagues and partners working in the same field for mutually beneficial cooperation. And, of course, dating sites in the US and around the world are also actively using matchmaking: they automatically select candidates for dating that meet your criteria. Of course, this saves a lot of time and focuses attention, but it still does not guarantee a match.
Very often, men and ladies on dating sites in the US do not hurry to move on to real relationships. For some, online correspondence brings emotional satisfaction and creates the illusion of a relationship, so very often one of the parties refuses to move from words to action. Can you imagine the disappointment on the other side when it seems that an ideal partner is found, but it turns out that you are functioning at a different “wavelength”?
On the site, matchmaking works in a completely different way. Here it is not an automatic system, but a real specialist with a diploma who is also a little bit of a psychologist, who selects candidates based on your inner world, expectations, and goals. The main task for such a specialist is to find a person as close as possible to your life “frequency”. And it really works effectively, sometimes even contrary to the expectations of the parties.
Often when we dreamily build the image of an ideal partner, we imagine age, body, hair and eye color, and many other details that are important to us. Therefore, starting a search for a blue-eyed blonde, a man may be puzzled when a matchmaking specialist offers a Skype acquaintance with a hot brunette, but in most cases, such an acquaintance will be successful. A specialist, like a computer, will select only girls based on the parameters you set, and only in exceptional cases, when the manager understands how certain of the clients can match your inner world, she will dare to suggest a “deviation” from the original data. This is something that an automatic matchmaking system will never do, and it is exactly what makes the matchmaking service of so successful.
In the USA, the rhythm of life is very fast, so matchmaking service is an excellent solution for those who want to save time significantly- it is much easier and faster to spend several Skype calls with your chosen lady than to write long letters.

In any case, no matter what method and type of online dating in the USA you choose, it is better to do it only on trusted and respected Internet resources, and most importantly with sincere faith in your heart that everything will work the best and with absolute confidence in your abilities.
The famous poet of the Age of Enlightenment -Samuel Johnson once said that self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings, and we can only confirm these words based on our experience.